→ Actualities
CALL - Opprotunities and risks of AI implementation into music practice
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→ Actualities
Kariéra hudebníka VII.
International conference Forfest - 26th June 2024
Does the education system correspond to the needs of the labor market?
What do we know? What can be improved and how?
(classical music +)
- Organizer: Czech Music Council-IDU in cooperation with HAMU, ASOPS, EAC, PEARLE
- Date:
- 2021-10-01, 10:00 International part - program
- 2021-10-01, 14:00 Czech part - program
- Format: ZOOM
- Contact: lenka.dohnalova@chr-cmc.org
- Deadline for active participants 23.9.2021 23:59
- Deadline for pasive participants 29.9.2021 23:59
- Paper format: ppt max. 30 minutes, possible video with ppt in case of personal absence.
Describe the situation and its possible development from the perspective of education, potential employers, authorities, professional associations and other professionals providing advicing, training and information service.
Specific possible motivational questions:
- What and who and how maps the labor market in the field of classical music? (workplaces, projects). Can you present your research project? Is a common methodology being implemented at the international level? Do you know of good examples of practice?
- Does the management of conservatories and universities have sufficient opportunities to respond to the needs of the labor market? Do they have an overview of it? What complicates their optimization in the field of legislation, official administration? What tools / conditions do they need for this?
- Do / can schools initiate (anticipate) initiate new fields, job positions?
- Do students have the opportunity to know their optimal employment corresponding to their personality and skills? (access to coaching, mentoring, individualization of teaching content, internships, workshops, etc.)
- What problems do graduates encounter most often when entering practice? Do we know that? Who is currently finding out and how?
- How do potential employers see it in the field of education, art production, professional workplaces?
- What employers lack, which job positions, where there is an overhang, what skills are developed, which are not?
- What are the general career risks in the field of classical music, in particular in orchestral practice, in opera production, in independent production, in professional work.
- Does the field of classical music need the status of an artist? How should it be set (education, source of income, length and minimum scope of experience…) What obligations and benefits in relation to the general legal and social context? (bridging support, advantageous loans on the basis of special insurance, preferential training and counseling, physiotherapy, etc.)
- What do you currently consider most important on this topic?
With your help we want to contribute to the functional, friendly and inspiring environment of the Czech and European music sector…